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نحن الكيمياء
تُعَدُّ الكيمياء من العلوم المركزية لأنها تربط بين العديد من التخصصات العلمية الأخرى مثل علم الأحياء، والفيزياء، والطب، وعلوم البيئة.
في جوهرها، تُعنى الكيمياء بدراسة المادة والتفاعلات التي تحدث بينها. تهتم الكيمياء بفهم تركيب المواد، وخصائصها، والتغيرات التي تطرأ عليها نتيجة التفاعلات الكيميائية.
نحن الكيمياء
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بل تتجلى أيضًا في تطبيقاتها العملية الواسعة.
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4 Steps to Learn
Eduma provides every details and documents needed for your learning. You can start your lessons by clicking it at the content side-bar. Every lessons are prepared with texts, videos, images, presentation, and even audio. All you need to learn, are here with Eduma.
Now you can access the courses. Eduma provides all ranges of courses, from Developing to Photography, Video Editor, or even Kindergarten. You are free to choose the course you like. There's no limit with Eduma. All courses are well-built with detailed documents and attachments serving your learning progress.
Eduma integrates LearnPress for courses and lessons. LearnPress currently is the #1 LMS Plugin available for WordPress, with many exclusive and premium features, serving the best environment for students and providing all the best tools as Certificates, Student Lists, Announcements and Gradebook. Once enroll to the course, LearnPress will take you to the best learning experience ever.
Eduma provides every details and documents needed for your learning. You can start your lessons by clicking it at the content side-bar. Every lessons are prepared with texts, videos, images, presentation, and even audio. All you need to learn, are here with Eduma.
Top Instructors
Find the right instructor for you. Choose from many topics, and skill levels.
Tony Chester
Robert Prickett
Jay Johnson
Learn to Write Flash Fiction
Data Science and Fake News
Summer School 2022
Mobile App
As we all have smartphones nowadays, being mobile friendly is so important. We know that and we made your theme to be mobile friendly so anyone will be happy when they visit your online learning course site.